Every team after the the sprint have to have time to reflect on the finished release. This type of the meeting is very popular in Agile development and is called a retrospective meeting or retro. It allows a team and all team members to highlight and discuss about success and failures of the project, identify the areas to improve in terms of the project development or management.
Agile Toolbox for Jira is a missing part of the Jira Software. The plugin gives the functionality of preparing and processing this type of the meeting both offline and online, in the real time.
Opening retrospectives section
Retrospectives are defined in the scope of the project board. Thanks to that each team with a separate project board can define own retrospectives.
Each user who has an access to the project board has permission to create the retrospective meeting definition.
Defining new retrospective
By pressing “New retrospective” button user is redirected to the configuration view
The configuration view consist of the following elements:
Actions - user can return to the retrospective list view and discard the changes by pressing “Cancel” button or saved the configuration by pressing “Save” button.
Retrospective name - mandatory field
Anyone can edit and reveal cards - if selected then anyone can edit, delete, archive the retrospective or has enabled button to hide / reveal cards
The template list - the plugin contains a definition of some of the most popular column list used in the retro meetings ( see Pic 4) . The user can choose one and the he can save it or adjust the column configuration to his needs (Pic 5)
Add new column - user can add a new column
Add new column - user can add a new column, action displayed only if there are no columns defined
Save action might fail if the retrospective name will no be defined, there is no column defined or one of the column doesn’t have name defined
Main view
When the retrospective is defined all team members can join to the meeting and participate by creating new cards, voting on the others cards ( created by the team members).
The meeting can be performed both ways: online - when all team members connecting to the meeting at the same time, or offline, each team member is opening the refinement on his local time zone, put some notes, voting.
User can join to the retrospective by pressing the title (1) or using the action number (4)
Main screen of the retrospective view have the following actions
Refresh the refinements (1)
Switch to the “Archived retrospectives” view (2)
Creates the new retrospective (3)
Delete the retrospective (7)
Archive the retrospective ( 8 )
Change the configuration (9)
Join to the refinement (10)
When the retrospective is archived, then is set to the “read only” mode and moves to the “archived” section.
Additional information
The retrospective configuration view contains also the following information
The name of the retrospective (4)
The owner who created the configuration (5)
The list of the issues created from the retrospective cards as a links - (6)
Archived view
All archived retrospectives are moved to the “archived section”. Anyone can view the archived retrospective but can’t change/add/remove the messages. The only allowed action is a “delete retrospective” action
Retrospective board
Retrospective board allows users to adding notes, voting, moving notes between columns, creating Jira issues from the note. All the team need to perform a productive retro meeting. All changes on the board are reflected in the real time.
Messages can be grouped, moved, merged, sorted in the columns by simply “drag and drop”
The list of the users jointed to the board and online
Button allowing to add new message to the column
Voting button - allows to vote on the note and displays the number of the votes
The list of users voted on this notes
Displays the user who created or updated the note
Note content. When pressed can be edited
The button deleting the note
The button opening the “Jira issue create dialog” with the note content set in the description. Allows quickly prepare Jira issues based on the notes for example: action items
Display the issue key as a link to the issue created from the note
The button returning to the retro list view
Hide or reveal cards. Messages from the participants can be blurred out. Only users messages are visible and editable. Example :
There are no restrictions on this board. Every users can add / remove / update / create issue / move between columns or change the order of the notes if cards are revealed. If hidden, then only users messages can be modified