User roles

User roles

Each user who is using the Agile Toolbox for Jira may take one of the following roles which define what he is able to do in the planning poker room.

  • Room owner - the user who configured the room

  • Regular user - users who join to the room

Room Owner

User with this role is able to :

  • Change the configuration of the room

  • Remove the room ( remove room configuration )

  • Reveal cards and estimated points

  • Set the estimated point to the Issue field

  • Reset voting

  • Vote by choosing a card

The name of the user who configured the room is always displayed:

Regular user

User who join to the room can only vote by choosing a card. In addition, when room owner is not present in the room, then he can take ownership of the room by pressing “take control” button. After this action he becomes the Room Owner.

“Take control” button is available only when current Room Owner is absent and this action has been enabled during the configuration of the room