Every team after the the sprint have to have time to reflect on the finished release. This type of the meeting is very popular in Agile development and is called a retrospective meeting or retro. It allows a team and all team members to highlight and discuss about success and failures of the project, identify the areas to improve in terms of the project development or management.
Agile Toolbox for Jira is a missing part of the Jira Software. The plugin gives the functionality of preparing and processing this type of the meeting both offline and online, in the real time.
Defining the retrospective meeting
Retrospectives are defined in the scope of the project board. Thanks to that each team with a separate project board can define own retrospectives.
Each user who has an access to the project board has permission to create the retrospective meeting definition.
By pressing “New retrospective” button user is redirected to the configuration view
The configuration view consist of the following elements:
Actions - user can return to the retrospective list view and discard the changes by pressing “Cancel” button or saved the configuration by pressing “Save” button.