Privacy Policy and Security

Privacy Policy and Security

Data privacy

Your privacy is important to us, and so is being transparent about how we collect, use, and share information about you.

App infrastructure

The application is written using Forge. Forge apps are hosted by Atlassian and keep all data in Atlassian’s infrastructure. Therefore, Liquitim does not have access to any data stored in the End User’s system when the End User installs Liquitim Cloud apps unless either the End User or Atlassian provides data to Liquitim.

The application doesn’t communicate with external services, all data are keep safe in Atlassian’s infrastructure

How application is using the permission granted during the installation

Application requires additional permissions in order to communicate with the Jira instance and be able to work properly. These permissions are used to :

  1. Read, search the issues and issue fields in order to display on the page or export to the CSV file

  2. Search for users and user names to render the user related fields or export to the CSV file

Contact data collection and privacy

The Atlassian Marketplace provides Liquitim with contact data such as the End User’s name, company name, address, e-mail address if the End User buys or evaluates one of Liquitim apps.

Liquitim may contact the End User via e-mail when

  1. the End User starts an evaluation of an app,

  2. the End User buys an app,

  3. the End User permits to be contacted for a specific purpose (e.g., support),

  4. Liquitim would like to contact the End User about an app review submitted by the End User to the Atlassian Marketplace,

  5. Liquitim would like to advertise products and services similar or connected to an app the End User has an active license for or is currently evaluating,

  6. Liquitim is legally required to inform the End User


a. If the End User has issues or questions related to Liquitim apps, the End User might want to contact. Each time the End User contacts with the customer support, the following data is collected:

  1. the End User’s name,

  2. the End User’s email address

  3. all data the End User shares in their message,

b. Liquitim uses the Atlassian Cloud to work on support requests. This applies to all methods of contacting Liqtuitim, including email support requests and those submitted via Liquitim support portal hosted by Jira Service Management. 

c. In order to give the End User appropriate support, Liquitim might ask the End User to provide Liquitim with diagnostic information. It is completely up to the End User if the End User provides Liquitim with such information and if so, in which form. All data the End User provides to Liquitim is only used to analyze and solve the End User’s issue.

 For any additional questions regarding the privacy policy, please contact with us : info@liquitim.com